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Anchor 1

Safe anaesthetic treatment

Information and instructions

Anchor 2

Before the anaesthetic treatment



Treatment contract

In consultation with you, the dentist prepares the optimum treatment plan.

Once everything has been properly discussed with you, you sign the treatment contract.


Medical questionnaire

We would like to know as much as possible about the health of your child. 

A medical questionnaire needs to be completed to obtain all the necessary information.


Request for medical records

Occasionally we would like to request medical records from the GP or the hospital.

As a parent, you sign the consent form for requesting medical records.


Request for authorisation and payment guarantee

All our treatments are covered by healthcare insurance and are fully reimbursed.

For anaesthetic treatments we require prior approval from the healthcare insurer, however. 

You and the dentist both sign the application form. 

Sometimes it may take a little while to obtain this authorisation.

If you prefer not to wait, you will need to sign a payment guarantee.


Screening by the anaesthesiologist

Once the required documents are in order, you will have an interview with the anaesthesiologist, also called the anaesthesia doctor or sleep doctor.

For safe anaesthetic treatment it is very important that the anaesthesiologist knows everything about your child's health. 

We discuss the medical questionnaire, weigh your child and listen to their heart and lungs.  

You will receive explanations and instructions to ensure safe progress of the anaesthetic treatment.





Anaesthetic treatments are very safe.

Except for when your child has consumed food or drinks shortly before the procedure.

In that case, the main risk is that the contents of the stomach end up in the lungs.

You child will no longer be able to breathe properly, may even choke or develop severe pneumonia.


This risk can be easily prevented:

- Your child must not consume any food six (6) hours before the anaesthetic treatment.

- Your child must not consume any drinks two (2) hours before the anaesthetic treatment.

- Absolutely no milk or milk products on the day of the anaesthetic treatment.

- Water, cordial, tea of apple juice may be consumed until two (2) hours before the appointment.


If these instructions are not observed, treatment cannot be carried out.

In that case, any expenses incurred by us will be charged.


Pay special attention to what your child eats and drinks, therefore.


We will contact you on the day before the appointment.

We will then answer any questions you may have.


Extra clothes

It is a good idea to bring some extra clothes. Indeed, children may accidently wet their clothes during or before going to sleep or upon waking up. In such cases, dry clothes ensure a comfortable journey home.


What do to in case of illness

If your child is seriously ill, treatment cannot take place.

A common cold or a mild fever is not a problem.

Do not take any unnecessary risks and in case of doubt call us for consultation.

An appointment may only be cancelled following consultation by telephone with our specialists.

Watch our animation

together with your child

Anchor 3

On the day of the anaesthetic treatment 



The right patient, wristband and going to the toilet

Upon arrival on the day of the treatment, your child will receive a wristband with the correct name and date of birth.Also, your child will be asked to go the toilet.



The anaesthetic treatment 

Together with your child you take place on the dental chair. Just to make sure, we double-check whether we have the right patient and when they ate or drank something the last time.  Once everything is fine, we can gently proceed, of course with a child-friendly apprach.



We cover the nose and mouth of your child with a small mask. A small tube with a balloon is connected to the mask. By blowing up the balloon, your child will quickly fall asleep, safe and without pain. So blow, blow, blow.


If your children prefer to be anaesthetised using an injection (drip), that is also an option. The place where the drip is inserted can be anaesthetised beforehand using a special cream.


Once your child is asleep, you leave the treatment room.This gives you some time to recover from the emotions, to have a drink, relax and make the follow-up appointment.


Your child is now in the professional and caring hands of the anaesthesia team, and they will connect the monitoring equipment and if necessary insert a drip.  A breathing tube from the nose to the airways ensures unobstructed breathing,  as well as ensuring nothing can get into the lungs.  While your child is sleeping safely, the dentist executes the treatment plan. 


Pain relief 

We start with pain relief at the beginning of the treatment.We make sure that your child is not suffering any pain during the first few hours after the treatment.


Length of the treatment

This depends on the treatment plan and can vary from

a few minutes to two and a half hours.



We remove the breathing tube and the drip

while your child is still asleep.

Just before completion of the treatment,

we ask you to go to the anaesthetic recovery room.

Anchor 4

After the anaesthetic treatment


Waking up

Your child wakes up in their own anaesthetic recovery room. Safe and secure in your presence.

In mom's or dad's lap. We cannot accurately predict how your child will feel upon waking up. For most children this is without any problems. 

Sometimes children are a little bit quiet or sad, other times they are angry or rebellious.

This is not something to worry about, it quickly passes. 


There will be a bandage where the drip was inserted. 
Do not worry if there is some bloody saliva in your child's mouth, just wipe it away with a cloth.

In case of a local anaesthetic, the mouth will remain numb for a little while. 

Also, the mucous membranes in the nose and throat may be mildly irritated.


Once your child has properly woken up, they will be given an ice cream and will be allowed to drink some water or cordial.

Nausea or vomiting hardly ever occurs. 

Usually the children remain in the anaesthetic recovery room for 15 to 30 minutes. 


Pain relief 
You will be given a schedule for pain relief at home. Paracetamol suffices. Once all checks are satisfactory, you may go home following consent from the anaesthesiologist.

 Safe trip home
A child that has been under anaesthesia deserves extra attention. 

It is, therefore, nice and secure when two adults collect the patient. 

One to look after the child and the other to focus on the traffic.

If you are travelling by public transport, one adult supervisor is sufficient.


On the first working day following the treatment we will contact you to learn how things are going and to complete a short questionnaire.   

What was your experience of the treatment and are there any points for improvement? Your feedback is very important to us. 

Anchor 5


do not eat anything 6 hours before

do not drink anything 2 hours before

No milk or milk products 

Bring extra clothes

By car: 2 adults 

By public transport: 1 adult

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